Thursday, June 14, 2012

The place to be : Petit Bazar & Petit Café

Get a glimpse of good taste ! Geert and Caroline have been collecting the most amazing stuff you can imagine. Caroline loves to make 'des pieces uniques' by customizing furniture, cushions etc ... They open up their house for the first time for only 4 unique days. Geert will give you the atmosphere of a real vintage café, playing awesome music. Meanwhile you can admire (and buy) the items of Caroline's collection. If you are a fan of the Provence and the typical 'vide-greniers', you surely will love this !
A small selection of my jewelry line will be displayed too !

1 comment:

inge said...

ik zie het pas nu ...was anders wel een keertje langs geweest tussen alle drukte in ...hopelijk had je een goed verlof ...